Project Introduction

Location: Pune and Jamshedpur

Project Name: TATA Motors Wireless Application for Firing Engine Test Bed Machine

Products Deployed: IAP-6701-WG+/IDS-5042-WG

Project Requirement

  • Wireless connections for unhampered and long-distance communications
  • Reliable operation in outdoor environments
  • Easy and central management capabilities


One of the IAP-6701-WG+ is connected to the ORing device server, IDS-5042-WG, on the remote site and the other is installed at the control site to facilitate communications between the test fields and the control center. Each firing test engine at remote side was deployed one IDS-5042-WG to collect data.

All of collected data from IDS-5042-WG would be delivered to AP. The AP at each factory was installed on a pole so that signals can be transmitted smoothly without being influenced by the obstacles on the ground. Since the IAP-6701-WG+ is equipped with a PoE P.D. port, there is no need to install additional power cables for the AP.

Operators at different test sites are able to receive commands and any changes made by the control room simultaneously to keep the tests in sync. Control room staff can also monitor the tests and acquire test results immediately to make necessary adjustment immediately.

IAP-6701-WG+ is EOL soon. The replacement model is IAP-W520+/W522+.

System Structure

Tata Motors IAP 6701 WG 2B 700

Why Oring

  • Water-resistant IP67 enclosure for outdoor applications
  • PoE support which eliminates the need for external power supply
  • Embedded high-power antennas to increase signal strength
  • Reliable performance without packet loss and latency